Hello! It’s nice to meet you

About me… what to say. I’ve packed a lot into these 44 years, but there is still so much I feel like I’ve missed out on and definitely still so much to do. Here are the very brief basics: I grew up an only child in Southern California, parents divorced when I was 9, lived with my mom until I was almost 13 then I lived with dad. My dad loved me but wasn’t much of a hands-on parent, I did whatever I wanted – including a lot of drugs. Mom got cancer when I was 18 so I cleaned up and moved in to help her. She got better and both sides of my family decided to leave California at the same time, dad and his stripper girlfriend headed to Vegas and mom with her brother and his family to Southern Utah. I was 19 and knew if I went to Vegas I would end up back on drugs, so I chose Utah. 

The plan was to live and work in this small town for a couple of years, save up my money and head off to where I wanted to be. One year in I was in a relationship, two years in I was getting married at six months pregnant. Within five years of moving to Utah I had two adorable children and one miserable marriage. No more plan.

I’ve never been a skinny or toned woman, curvy has been my whole life. After having two kids and being incredibly unhappy, curvy turned to fat. When my children were 9 and 7, I got a divorce. My unhappy situation turned to survival, I had been out of the workforce for 4 years being a stay at home mom so while I had been middle management in retail that experience got flushed in my absence and I was starting over with an entry position. 

Just barely scraping by, I was determined to prove myself at the craft store I was working in, the store manager was threatened by this and assumed I was trying for her job and cut my hours. While being a stay at home mom I had been going to school, online college for a psychology degree. I had two or three classes left for my bachelor’s when I was getting divorced and was failing, so I dropped out with every intention of finishing but never did (those dang plans again). With my hours cut to 10 hours a week at the craft store I scrambled for another job and found one that also tapped into my education. I was a graveyard shift mentor for a residential treatment center for teen girls. I was promoted to shift supervisor in six months, making a whopping $11 per hour. 

This job was emotionally taxing and incredibly stressful. I was solely responsible for keeping 50+ teenage girls and 5 support staff safe when all the girls wanted to do was hurt themselves or hurt the people stopping them from hurting themselves. Being a present parent during that time was incredibly hard. A couple years after leaving this job I found out I have severe sleep apnea, so during that time I never truly rested. I gained a ton of weight, with the mental stress of the job and the physical stress, I’m so lucky I didn’t have a major medical episode – insert every horrible thing I was at risk for at this time.  

That girls home ruined the entire field of psychology for me, after two years I was over it. I started applying for jobs and got a less stressful day job in an office. I was promoted there too, so less stress didn’t last and I was still just fighting to get by and not let my children know we were struggling. Being in survival mode was my way of life. My ex-husband left to live across the country shortly after our divorce and my family and I cut ties back when I was still working at the craft store. When I say I did this life on my own, I fucking mean it. 

Stress, a sedentary job, cheap processed food, putting myself and my health last on a very long to-do list is what got me to where I am today. 44 years old and 330 lbs.  

Are some of these things excuses? Sure, but my health just wasn’t a priority. My children are now 21 and 19, I just left my stressful corporate position to start my own business. I know, stress will still be a big thing running my own business but scaling down my client load and only answering to myself will make it more manageable.

I have had some wins during these years, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 years ago and have got my A1c back to pre-diabetic levels. My top weight was 4 years ago at 380, I’ve been slowly losing since then. I’m on compounded semaglutide, which keeps my blood sugar down and has decreased my appetite. My weight loss has stalled in the past 6 months or so and I’m determined to figure it out and speed it up.   

Now in the middle of my life I am absolutely determined to stretch this middle out as long as I can, I have a lot to live for. I will be here for my children and their children, I will travel to all the places I want to experience and I WILL have a life that isn’t rooted in fear and scarcity.

Bold Blonde and Balanced: Prioritize Your Health and Well-being

Go Farther together

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Current Stats

December 9, 2024

Weight: 330 (Starting Point)

Waist: Hips: Thighs: Upper Arm: